Angels are a unique cichlid because of their distinct body shape, they have a compressed lateral body which gives it diamond shape body from the side view. They are also very slender similar to the discus but has a variety of long fins. They are more suited to the community setup rather then a predatory with larger fish, the only thing is Angels should never be kept with fishes that can fit in their mouth, like Neons and other tetras. They should also be kept without fin nipping fishes like Barbs and other fast moving fishes.
Angels also thrive in planted tanks with pots e.t.c, due to the fact that Angels tend to lay their eggs on smooth surfaces. |
Common Name | Albino Diamond Angel |
Scientific Name | Pterophyllum Scalare |
Size | Approximately 15cm |
Origin | Comes from the Amazon Region in South America |
Tank Setup | Preferably Community Setups with same size and with other peasceful fishes. |
Temperature | Tend to thrive in a tank temperature of 27 – 28 degrees. |
Feeding |
Piscivores, they can survive on flakes and granules but it is recommended to supply them a variety of foods. They can take a variety of live foods from Brine shrimp, black worms, mosquito larvae. They can also take frozen foods like blood worms and frozen Brine Shrimp. |
Gender | Not really easy to tell but males tend to have a more rounder head compare to the females. |

The Albino Diamond Angel (also known as the Diamond Head Pterophyllum Altum) is a species of freshwater fish that is native to the Amazon River basin in South America. It is a member of the Cichlidae family, which includes a wide variety of colorful and popular aquarium fish, such as cichlids and angelfish.
The Albino Diamond Angel is a medium-sized fish, typically reaching a maximum size of around 6 inches in length. It has a slender, elongated body with a distinctive white coloration, which is the result of a genetic mutation that causes a lack of pigmentation. The fish’s head and fins may also have hints of white or pale pink.
In the wild, the Albino Diamond Angel is found in slow-moving rivers and streams, where it feeds on a variety of small invertebrates. In the aquarium, it will accept a variety of foods, including flakes, pellets, and live or frozen foods.
The Albino Diamond Angel is a popular choice for aquarists because of its striking coloration and peaceful temperament. It is generally a good community fish and can be kept with other peaceful cichlids or with a variety of other fish species. However, it is important to provide plenty of hiding places and territories in the aquarium to prevent aggression and promote harmony among the fish. It is also important to keep the water quality high to promote the health and well-being of the fish.