The Geo. Steindachneri is a very peaceful fish, and can even be kept with tetras like Emperors and Congos. They only show aggression during territorial fights. The get their name mainly from the males who later on when they get their hump, it has a faded reddish colour to it. These guys are always swimming around looking for food at the bottom so bottom food is a must. |
Redhump Eartheater, Redhump Geophagus |
Geophagus Steindachneri |
15cm |
South America, found in Rio Magdalena and in tributaries in Colombia and Venuzuela |
Cichlid setup, live with peaceful fishes and other cichlids. |
20 – 27 degrees |
Omnivorous, tend to be happy with just pellets and flakes. |
The males are larger and more colourful and have an egg spot on each corner of the mouth. The males also have the Nuchal Hump on the forehead. |